Law of Attraction Affirmations

Law of Attraction Affirmations To Manifest Dream Life

Law of Attraction Affirmations

  1. I am receiving abundance in expected and unexpected ways.
  2. I am Blessed with miracles every day.
  3. My positive thoughts are a magnet for good.
  4. I believe in my ability to create the life I want and continue to do so.
  5. I allow success in all areas in my life.
  6. I attract health, wealth and happiness into my life.
  7. I am constantly raising my vibration through good thoughts, words and actions.
  8. I am worthy of love, abundance, success, happiness and fulfillment.
  9. I am manifesting all of my dreams easily.
  10. I am open to attract unlimited abundance in my life.
  11. I am open and ready to receive.
  12. I am a magnet for financial abundance.
  13. I recognize opportunities all around me easily.
  14. My positive mindset is transforming my life.
  15. My dreams are manifesting before my eyes.
  16. I attract what is meant to me.
  17. I am positive, passionate and successful.
  18. I am worthy of abundance, success and happiness.
  19. My success inspires others.
  20. I am making the world a better place.

Law of Attraction Affirmations For Money, Abundance and Success

  1. Money is openly flowing into my life.
  2. I release all blocks and allow wealth to flow in.
  3. I vibrate with the frequency of prosperity.
  4. I am a money magnet.
  5. I vibrate with the frequency of success and wealth.
  6. I am an excellent money manager.
  7. I have good sources of financial income.
  8. Money comes to me in expected and unexpected way.
  9. I see abundance everywhere.
  10. I attract money making opportunities easily.
  11. I think about money positively.
  12. I am open and ready to receive.
  13. The financial door is open and I let money flow in.
  14. I am so grateful for the many ways that money flows to me.
  15. I am a magnet for financial opportunities.
  16. My mind is overflowing with money-making ideas.
  17. I recognize financial opportunities.
  18. I welcome prosperity and abundance.
  19. I recognize opportunities and act on them.
  20. My income is continuously growing.
  21. I am grateful for the all the ways that money comes to me.
  22. I am financially free and independent.
  23. The money I attract creates a positive impact on the world.

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