Self Love Affirmations

Daily Affirmations For Self Love, Self Esteem and Confidence

Self Love Affirmations

  1. I love myself a lot.
  2. I am surrounded by love.
  3. I radiate love.
  4. I love myself unconditionally.
  5. I am ready to accept love.
  6. I have all the love inside me that I need.
  7. I love myself deeply and completely.
  8. I am here to experience love.
  9. I accept myself as I am.
  10. I respect myself.
  11. I am a very pure hearted person.
  12. I am a happy and peaceful person.
  13. I am full of love.
  14. I am whole and complete.
  15. I am a successful person.
  16. I love myself so much.
  17. My skin is very beautiful.
  18. My hair is very healthy and pretty. My face is very beautiful.
  19. I love my body structure, height and weight.
  20. I love myself the way I am.
  21. I am proud of myself.
  22. I respect my energy and lovingly protect it.
  23. I am smart, creative and very capable.
  24. I have everything I need to be successful.
  25. I am a unique structure of this universe.
  26. I am special, unique and loving person.
  27. I am beautiful inside and out.

Affirmations for Self-Esteem and Confidence

  1. I accept myself as I am now.
  2. I accept myself unconditionally.
  3. I am perfect as I am.
  4. I am enough.
  5. I am complete.
  6. I am constantly growing, evolving and becoming best of myself.
  7. I am worthy of love.
  8. I love and respect my body.
  9. I love my heart and soul.
  10. My flaws are what make me different.
  11. Being me is enough.
  12. I can feel love whenever I want.
  13. My own love is enough.
  14. I am what I should be.
  15. I choose myself.
  16. I am beautiful, unique and very special.
  17. I am a successful person.
  18. I believe in myself and my ability.
  19. I have the power to attract money.
  20. I attract money easily.
  21. I deserve all the success, happiness in life.
  22. I am a lucky and happiest person.
  23. I am the best. Thank You Universe!

Forgiveness and Self-Acceptance Affirmations

  1. I forgive myself.
  2. I let go of my past bad experiences.
  3. I am at peace with my past.
  4. I accept myself exactly as I am now.
  5. I am at peace with where I am.
  6. I embrace who I am.
  7. I accept myself unconditionally.
  8. I am a constantly improving every day.
  9. I am open to seeing myself in a new light.
  10. I am proud of who I am becoming.

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