Hair Affirmations

21 Positive Affirmations For Hair Growth and Health

Hair Affirmations

  1. My hair is beautiful and strong. Thank You Universe for this beautiful hair.
  2. I love my hair.
  3. My hair is silky and shiny.
  4. My hair is healthy and strong.
  5. My hair is getting thicker, softer and stronger.
  6. My hair roots are getting stronger.
  7. Quality of hair is getting better day by day.
  8. My hair follicles are getting stronger and healthier.
  9. My hair fall is decreasing day by day and the growth of new hair continues.
  10. The condition of the hair is getting better.
  11. I always take a healthy diet so that my hair is getting full nutrition.
  12. I am following healthy diet that is nourishing my hair.
  13. I love to take care of my hair.
  14. I always choose good shampoo and conditioner that suits my hair.
  15. My hair from the root and every single cell is growing stronger and healthy.
  16. My hair growth is happening in abundance.
  17. The color of my hair and its texture is very good.
  18. My healthy and beautiful hair making me more confident and happy.
  19. I am getting compliment from everyone.
  20. Whatever hairstyle I do on my hair always suits me.
  21. I really proud of my healthy hair.

Healthy Hair Regrowth Affirmations

  1. My hair is re-growing every minute of every day.
  2. The magic of the universe is in my hair. Due to which my hair is growing beautifully, becoming thick and black.
  3. My hair is growing magically. I am very happy with this magic.
  4. My hair is getting thicker.
  5. Whatever things are needed for hair to grow, my body automatically produces it and gives nutrition to my hair.
  6. I take the right diet and drink plenty of water, which is getting enough nourishment for my hair.
  7. I can feel the hair re-growth pretty well in every area of my scalp.
  8. My digestive system works very well that’s why it gives all the necessary nutrition to my hair and my scalp.
  9. My blood circulation is very well which takes every nourishment to the roots of my hair. That’s why my hair re-growth is getting better.
  10. My hair is growing very fast.
  11. The magic of the universe is really working which is giving me such lovely beautiful hair. Thank You Universe!